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Future Crash The Novel

Future Crash was always supposed to be the name of an online serial novel I started working on in 2007 (yes I have been working on a horrible serial novel for 4 years). I started this website with the idea that it would become its home. Instead it has become a home to “stuff I make” including it seems the novel it was originally intended for.

I finally got around to re-writing the thing, and after trying hard to get it into shape I am going to take the plunge and show the world. Lets clear some stuff up right at the start…I am not a very good writer. I have a hard time with grammar, spelling, etc. But I wrote this thing slowly over 4 years, and I feel like even with its flaws it deserves to see the light of day.

It has existed for so long and absorbed so many tiny parts of my life that you might say its slightly autobiographical, but not enough to be embarrassing. All the characters and settings have been inspired by my life, but I assure you everything is very fictional.

I will be posting a section every Monday and Wednesday (edit: and Friday!) until its done.

If you want to sign up for an RSS feed for the novel you can get it here, you can also click on the Future Crash Novel category.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback you might have (even if you just find spelling errors ha ha).

Thanks for reading. Read the first chapter here.